Our Vision
When we think of a “vision” we are asking what kind of end goal we have in mind. Understanding vision in this way makes it easy to articulate what our end goal is--our goal as a church is to “present every member mature in Christ (see Col. 1:28).” Another way to say it is: we won’t stop ministering until every single soul under our care has reached perfect Christ-likeness! Now we are under no allusion that this can actually take place this side of Heaven. And yet, this ideal is our finish line! It’s what fuels us to disciple week in and week out. It motivates everything we do as a church--from striving to be godly parents to serving on a ministry team; from loving the poor to planting deep roots in a Discipleship Group. From evangelizing the lost to volunteering in the nursery! We simply desire to live holistic holy lives for the praise and honor of God!

Our Mission
When we think “mission” we are asking what steps does it take to get to our goal (see vision above)? If the goal is maturity in Christ then our mission involves the tangible goals that will get us there. Jesus summed up these steps in the great commission-- “Go...baptize...and teach (Matthew 28:19-20).” This simplistic, Jesus authorized, model is our go to in order to fulfill our mission as a church. We go into our world and share the good news of Jesus with anyone who has ears to hear. We baptize, ushering outsiders into our fellowship through the blood of Jesus. And we teach continually the faith once for all delivered to the saints (see Jude 3). This model is our bread and butter; we don’t deviate, and we won’t compromise!
Our Core Values
These seven core values sum up what is most important to us as a church. These are virtues that we desire embody our church community.
Commitment to Excellence
We bring our best, every time.
Excellence honors God and moves people.
Colossians 3:23
Excellence honors God and moves people.
Colossians 3:23
Heart for Evangelism
We will risk it all to reach one more.
Jesus' last command is our first priority.
Luke 19:10; Matthew 28:19
Jesus' last command is our first priority.
Luke 19:10; Matthew 28:19
Radical Generosity
We steward all things with open hands.
The God who owns it all, gave it all.
Acts 20:35
The God who owns it all, gave it all.
Acts 20:35
We commit to zero gap between what we say and do.
Jesus modeled integrity in EVERYTHING.
Matthew 5:375
Jesus modeled integrity in EVERYTHING.
Matthew 5:375
Servant Attitude
We put others before ourselves.
If serving is beneath you, leading is beyond you.
Matthew 23:11
If serving is beneath you, leading is beyond you.
Matthew 23:11
We are Fiercely committed to living the Christian Life together.
The early church devoted themselves to community and so will we.
Acts 2:42
The early church devoted themselves to community and so will we.
Acts 2:42
Biblically Driven
The Bible is sufficient for all things faith and practice.
The Word of God is perfect and complete.
2 Timothy 3:16
The Word of God is perfect and complete.
2 Timothy 3:16

If you want a further and deeper understanding of our goals as a church the purchase, "Pursuing Maturity by Making Disciples," written by Pastor Will, by clicking the link below. All proceeds go to the mission work we support.